My Diary of Us

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Saturday Night Juke Joints and Sunday Morning Waffles

About two years ago we went to a little hole in the wall juke joint out in the middle of nowhere.  Turns out it might be one of the coolest things about where we live.  We've been meaning to go back ever since we moved back to Louisiana, and finally made the trip on Saturday night!  It was a night filled with blues music, late night food, and friends.  And then we topped off an amazing night and weekend by waking up late Sunday morning and eating Canean's favorite Sunday breakfast, waffles and bacon.  What could be better than Saturday night juke joints and Sunday morning waffles?

Not much...I'll tell ya!

It was the perfect weekend filled with all of the things that feed my soul.  Music, food, friends, and most of all, Canean.

Teddy's Juke Joint is an old house (where Teddy himself was born) converted into a little bar and stage where real blues musicians come and still play on a weekly basis.  It's Louisiana as Louisiana can get and that's what I love most about it.  There isn't an inch of empty ceiling or wall space because it's all filled with souvenirs, license plates from all states, mardi gras beads, and other collectibles from over the years.  It's probably one of the only places where you will find all walks of life, races, and ages all brought together for one thing...good music.

Before the night ended, we had to eat a little late night food because they happen to have a great kitchen in Teddy's also filled with all things not good for you...but soo good for you.  I settled for a burger sandwiched between two pieces of toasted white bread topped with caramelized onions, while Canean got their famous pork chop sandwich.

We stayed past our curfew because really you just don't ever want to leave which led to a lazy Sunday morning and sleeping past 9...pretty late for us.  Waffles and bacon were requested immediately and I jumped on board with that idea pretty quick, right after making a pot of coffee.  We ate, looked at pictures from the night before, and listened to Buddy Guy all morning. 

The rest of Sunday was spent making bread, listening to Canean practice guitar in the background while it stormed outside and of course we took a nap.

Weekends like this...I wish they happened every weekend.

What did you do over the weekend?

Teddy's is Located in Zachary, LA.