My Diary of Us

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Cherry Limeade Gin and Tonic

I'm throwing you for a loop this week I know.  Don't worry I am aware that it is only Thursday, but doesn't it feel like it should be Friday?   For some reason this has been a long week for me and all I really want to do is fix one (or a pitcher) of my cherry limeade gin and tonics and head to a pool or a beach....or heck I'll even take my front porch at this point.

Are you cherry obsessed like we are in this house?  Whenever this time of year rolls around and sweet cherries aren't a gazillion dollars a pound, I load up at the store!  I'm always super jealous of Californians because cherries are all over the farmer's markets there in the summer, which would be so amazing!  Could you imagine, just rows and rows of gorgeous cherries? 

Anyway back to the reason we are all here...

It's #ThirstyThursday (yeah I hashtagged) so let's just fix a yummy cocktail and take a pause from life.  I think I'll just pretend I don't have anything productive to do and sit on the front porch, read a book, and sip on this pretty cherry drink.  Sounds like a great Thursday to me. 

This cocktail is about as refreshing as it gets and could not be more perfect for a hot day, and it is H-O-T hot out there, so drink up people!


  • 1 Cup Cherries

  • 1/4 Cup Granulated Sugar

  • 1/4 Cup Water

  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice, plus extra slices for garnish

  • 4 Oz. Gin

  • Tonic Water for Finishing


  • Make cherry simple syrup by bringing cherries, sugar, and water to a boil and let sit for 5 minutes. Puree the mixture and then strain. Chill thoroughly.

  • In a cocktail shaker, combine 4 tbsp. cherry simple syrup, lime juice, and gin with a couple of ice cubes and shake well.

  • Strain over two glasses filled with ice and then top off with tonic water and garnish with extra cherries and lime slices.

It's a classic cocktail with a twist and I can't wait for y'all to try it!

Let's cheers to being extra thirsty this Thursday...