My Diary of Us

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Mango, Coconut, and Lime Pops

Why we don't all make our own popsicles I have no idea.  They are the easiest summertime treat you could ever make and the flavor options are endless.  Have fruit that is getting too ripe?  Make popsicles.  Bought too many berries at the market?  Make popsicles.  You don't even have to have a reason!  The point here is,  I think we should all commit to making popsicles all summer long.  I have had a sweet tooth for the past two weeks like nobody's business.  I knew I needed a treat that I could grab at night to keep me from eating ice cream every night...enter the popsicle.  My mango, coconut, and lime pops are just the healthy treat I needed to satisfy my sweet cravings!

Have you ever looked at the ingredients on the back of most popsicles in the store (unless you buy organic)?  It's all sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't pronounce.  And if you do buy organic the popsicles are about six bucks for six popsicles...are  you kidding?  I would go through those too fast and definitely wouldn't be sharing with Canean.  I get kinda stingy with my treats for me and baby.  Don't judge me.

When you make your own pops at home, you control the ingredients which is usually about two to four max, and you can feel really good about eating them and feeding them to your family!  And hello inexpensive dessert!  It's as simple as blending your flavors of choice, pouring in your molds (which can be Dixie cups) and freezing!  I mean, it just can't get any easier.

My mango, coconut, and lime pops are perfectly tropical and slightly creamy creating balance in flavors that are amazeballs!  I have been dying to go to the beach lately and since that's not happening right now, I'll just eat one of these popsicles and pretend I'm somewhere with clear water, toes in the sand, and Canean by my side!  I suggest you do the same!


  • 2 Ripe Mangoes, peeled and chopped

  • 1 Can of Coconut Milk (light or regular)

  • Juice from 2 Limes

  • 4 Tbsp. Honey (You might need more if your mangoes aren't super sweet, just taste and adjust before freezing.)

*You can add a little rum in there too if you want a boozy version!  :)


  • Blend all ingredients together in a food processor or blender until smooth and creamy.

  • Pour into popsicle molds. The mixture should be thick enough that when you insert your popsicle sticks they will stand up. If they don't, simply freeze for 30-1 hr and then insert the sticks.

  • Freeze overnight.

I mean honestly I can't get over how easy it is to make popsicles at home!  I forget every year until I make my first batch and then I'm like "why I am buying these in the store??"  Memorial Day dessert people...right here in the form of a popsicle!  Done and done.