My Diary of Us

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Spiced Caramel Apple Hot Toddy

Can someone please tell me how it is already mid-October?  I cannot believe that we are approaching Halloween already which means Christmas will be here like...tomorrow!  We finally had a slight cool front blow into Texas which means that for two mornings I have been able to open the windows and get excited about the season!  Rumor has it we are getting another front next week, so I have my fingers crossed that it actually happens!  Whenever there are cool nights I am always up for one of my favorite fall cocktails, which happens to be a hot toddy!  I created a little twist on the classic to make it perfect for this Halloween season!  My Spiced Caramel Apple Hot Toddy is the perfect cocktail to make while you pass out candy to all those little ghosts and goblins AND to enjoy all fall long!

I originally created this cocktail for Drizly, which is a fantastic site where you can find more cocktails just like this and you can order your alcohol right to your doorstep!  Pretty cool if you ask me.  

I love a warm and cozy cocktail as soon as the holidays roll around and I thought how fun is it to make a drink that is spooky enough for Halloween this year?  This would be the perfect drink to mix up in a large batch and serve it pitcher style in a thermos if you are having a Halloween party (for adults obvi)!  You will love the warmth from the cinnamon and star anise as well as the hint of sweetness from the apple cider and caramels!  The drink is rounded off with a kick of bourbon to keep all the flavors in check and makes this hot toddy one that you are going to love mixing up way past Halloween!

To get the full recipe and how to head over to Drizly and find out all of the details on how to whip up my Spiced Caramel Apple Hot Toddy for yourself!  (And just know that it is 100% acceptable to steal a few caramels from your kid's trick or treat stash to make this drink for yourself!)

P.S. I still don't know what Parks is going to be for Halloween, so if you have any cute ideas for a two year old boy, send them my way!   (Just keep in mind it will probably be 90+ degrees or so while we go house to house which is why I haven't decided on anything just yet!)