My Diary of Us

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Immune Boosting Citrus Smoothie

Happy Monday guys!  How was your Easter weekend?  I hope it was filled with chocolate, friends, family, and maybe a little rest too!  We had a great weekend spent playing outside in the sprinkler, hunting for eggs, and stuffing our bellies full of BBQ.  I have however been battling a cold, and while it hasn't made me feel horrible, it has got me sneezing and my nose running like crazy.  Whenever I feel my body starting to get sick or worn down I always try and rev up my smoothie intake because I can cram a ton of good ingredients into one drink!  My citrus immune boosting smoothie is just the kind of drink that I will be sipping on all week long and I figured you might need it too!

I am going to miss citrus season so much and am trying to take advantage of the last grapefruits and oranges that taste sweeter than ever right now.  Don't get me wrong I am totally embracing strawberries and soon to be blueberries and melons, but I do love my citrus!  It's full of vitamins including that little thing called Vitamin C that our bodies need to fight off germs and honestly I just feel good when I incorporate it into my diet.  We go through about two huge bags of clementines a week between the three of us, and while I am the only one who really eats grapefruits, you can always find them in my refrigerator (because I like them cold.)

This smoothie can be made with whatever citrus you have on hand and is taken up a notch in the immune boosting department by adding turmeric and ginger, bee pollen, probitotics, and has good omegas in there too! 

Do yourself and your family a favor and make this smoothie to ensure that you stay healthy through Spring!


  • 1 Peeled and Seeded Grapefruit

  • 1 Peeled and Seeded Blood Orange (can substitute regular navel oranges or clementines)

  • 1 Frozen Banana

  • 1 Inch Piece of Peeled Fresh Turmeric (or 1 Tsp. Dried Turmeric)

  • 1 Inch Piece of Peeled Fresh Ginger

  • 1 Pinch of Black Pepper (it helps the turmeric to get absorbed in your body and you won't even taste it)

  • 1/2 Cup Kefir (probiotic dose)

  • 1/2 Cup Coconut Water

  • 1 Tsp. Bee Pollen

  • 1 Tsp. Raw and Local Honey (this helps keep you healthy if you can get it locally)

  • 1 Tbsp. Hemp Seeds (omegas)

  • 1 Tbsp. Collagen Peptides (optional)

  • 6 Ice Cubes

Optional:  Can add a flavorless protein here as well.


  • Add all ingredients into a blender and process until smooth.

  • Serve immediately.

Note: Makes 2 Smoothies.

This smoothie is seriously delicious and your whole family will love it!  (Seriously, my toddler will suck a whole cup full just by himself!)