My Diary of Us

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Simple Abundance

My aunt sent me a book recently called Simple Abundance.  It's a book that you read daily and is filled with inspiration to find joy in the life you are living right now.  To find the little joys that can be hidden away in your clouded vision of what you think should be making you happy.   Hello...I don't know about you, but I am guilty of this on a regular basis.  Always thinking of what else I want and not focusing on the present blessings around me. 

Blessings like my incredible husband, who puts up with my moods and totally and completely takes me as I am on a daily basis.  He's so great about not pin pointing what I could do better in our relationship.  While I on the other hand, have some room for improvement in this department. 

Yep, I'm admitting it. 

At times I find myself focusing on what he's not doing more so than what he is doing.  Just last week I was on a roll when I had discovered the trash had not been taken down to the street after reminding him the night before.  I found myself thinking, " how in the world could he forget that?  I would never forget that. I have enough to deal with this house, can't he remember this one simple thing?"  I was so mad over something so silly. 

Is it really that important that the trash didn't get down to the road?  No, not really.  I got over it, but I had to talk myself off of the ledge, because that argument was not important enough to make him feel bad about it.  And what would that gain anyway? 

Absolutely nothing...

He loves me unconditionally, he works so hard for our family, he makes me laugh until my cheeks hurt, and is honestly an amazing husband...95% of the time.  I mean, no one's perfect. 

I'm not.

The point is, instead of focusing on all great things in my life, I sometimes tend to let my own clouded vision and personal annoyances distract me from the simple abundances that I have been blessed with and that surround me on a daily basis. 

I may not have a lot of things...but I do have deep and passionate love, I have food to eat every night, a roof over my head, and I have a hope of an amazing life with Canean full of adventure and surprise.

This book has got me really thinking, and for the first time in a while, I'm not thinking about all of the future what ifs...I'm just going to be present in the moment.  Living each day and accepting the good with the bad and seeing the blessings in both. 

This week I'm going to pay more attention to the simple abundances in my life. 

Cooking a beautiful meal, a sip of crisp white wine on a hot day, Canean's arms around me when he comes through the door, a walk with the pups, the ability to run, a good book, a hot bath and just knowing that life is good right here, right now.

"The one fact that I would cry from every housetop is this: the Good Life is waiting for us---here and now." - B.F. Skinner