I'm two days away from entering week 27 of this pregnancy journey. It really seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. Time is flying by and in 13 weeks I will have a little tiny human (or maybe not so tiny based upon how he is growing) to take care of. This is both terrifying and really exciting to be honest. I mean it's FOREVER guys! I get to have him, as mine, forever! So crazy. As I approach my third trimester, I thought I would give you my updated Friday pregnancy confessions over the past couple of months!
These days Canean and I spend most of our nights talking about our sweet baby boy and all the things we will do with him. We imagine how exciting all of his firsts of everything will be. First ice cream cone, first bike ride with dad, first time he says dada or mama, the list goes on and on. And while we are so ready to meet our little one in theory, we are also trying to soak in these last months where it's just the two of us together in our house. While life is sure to be better than either of us could imagine, poopy diapers and sleepless nights included, we also know that life is going to change in a big way. We, as a couple will change as a result and so we are trying to be conscious and savor these last days where our little human is still safely tucked inside my belly. For now, it's just me and his dad loving each other and preparing for the arrival of the greatest gift either of us could ever receive.