Give me all the melons. I am currently eating cantaloupe and watermelon like I'll never see another one in my entire life. They are so sweet and candy like and lately they have been saving me from binging on things like sour patch kids...true story. Of course that's the preggers in me talking. If I wasn't pregnant however, I would be sipping on one of my cantaloupe salty dogs as often as I could because it just might be the perfect summer cocktail!
I grew up salting my melons. That's the way all of the women in my family do it. "It brings out the flavor", my mom would always tell me. And you know what? She was right. It really does make any melon extra delicious. Canean thinks I am crazy and has never hopped on the salted melon band wagon. But, that's okay...he doesn't know what he's missing!