Happy Monday guys! The humidity is gone here for the week here in Louisiana, leaving me feeling slightly more like Christmas is less than twenty days away. That also means I have lots to do since I don't even have one Christmas present under the tree. Yikes. And with all the cookies and hot chocolate that are tempting me everywhere I look, I need a healthy and quick meal that can balance out my sugar intake. My chicken schwarma over Greek rice is one of our favorite meals and is a healthier version of a meal that I crave on a weekly basis.
We are regulars at a local Lebanese restaurant here in town. Their chicken schwarma is the best I've ever had and their rice is full of flavor, so much that Canean always orders an extra side of just the rice. I started making my at home version of this meal a couple of years ago to shave a few calories, that and it was kind of getting embarrassing how often we were picking up the same meal week after week!