I have a confession to make. I have made this recipe before on the blog. It was early on into my blogging days and I just wasn't satisfied with my old pictures enough to repost them, and I think that sometimes if a recipe is yummy enough it deserves a do over. A chance to get the spotlight that it deserves you know what I mean? So I thought since I was reshooting my recipe, I would add a little booze into the mix too..because why not? Boozy egg nog ice cream and ginger cookie sandwiches are one of my favorites during the holidays and you totally have time to make them before Thursday.
My mom popped into town on Friday for a little surprise Christmas visit for the weekend and these ice cream sandwiches were part of our equation for obvious reasons. Creamy spiced ice cream spiked with a little bourbon sandwiched between two chewy ginger and molasses cookies makes for the ultimate holiday dessert and I for one am a fan of ice cream all year round. Matter of fact we ate ours in front of a fire for the perfect before bedtime snack/night cap.