Anyone else super excited for the weekend? I just didn't get my fill last weekend and have been feeling like this week has been never ending! It has been super rainy here in Texas which hasn't helped matters and I have been dreaming for a crisp Spring day! My sister in law is coming in town this weekend and I can't think of a better reason to whip up some yummy cocktails! My peach jam and gin thyme fizz is the perfect weekend brunch cocktail to get your weekend started right!'s me...I've finally made my way back to you! I know you missed me right? (Well tell me you did even if you didn't.) So, since the last time I talked to you two really exciting things have happened! For one, I have officially written and submitted the first draft of cookbook number two and so now I will have some time again to get back to blogging! And the second exciting news that I have to share with you is that I am joining the Drizly team as one of their TopShelf bloggers! This means I will be creating some really yummy cocktails for them and to share with you! With Valentine's Day being on a weekday next week, I'm kickstarting my new gig with the perfect Valentine's Day brunch cocktail for you to celebrate early with this weekend! My pink lemon kiss cocktail is the perfect romantic cocktail to go with any Valentine's Day celebration that you might have going on!
Happy holidays everyone! How was your Christmas? I hope it was wonderful and filled with so much love. Ours was interesting to say the least! We went to Louisiana for Christmas Eve and that was great, other than the fact that Parks currently has a little cold and was slightly fussier than usual. We left on Christmas Day to come back home and brought home stomach bugs for me and Canean that lasted for two days. Not quite the Christmas I had in mind, so never the less we are having a do-over for New Year's Eve! I am going to try my hand at making homemade pasta for the first time and will be whipping up something with bubbly for a cocktail! Here's a list of my top ten festive New Year's Eve Cocktails!
You guyyyysss...Thanksgiving is officially two weeks away! Are you freaking out? I have a confession...I am not freaking out at all because this year it's just me and my boys at home by ourselves! That doesn't mean that I am not going to be making a full on spread, because hello leftovers, but it just means there is no pressure because I won't have a house full of people! I will however be whipping up cocktails! My pomegranate ginger sparkler is the perfect festive cocktail for your holiday menu!
I know that Monday was a holiday and technically this week should be flying by because it's a "short week", but for some reason that is not the case for me. I have been ready for the weekend since Tuesday! Am I alone here, or have any of you felt the same way? If I wasn't pregnant, this would have a been a cocktail heavy week for me, starting with one of my sparkling lavender lemonade's!
In case you have been living under a rock, Valentine's Day is Saturday. And whether you are going out with your girlfriends, or spending it with someone you love, one thing is for need a great cocktail! That is a non-negotiable for a day filled with all things lovey dovey and chocolate. In my opinion, nothing goes better with chocolate than champagne and strawberries! My strawberry and pomegranate champagne cocktail is the perfect addition to your Valentine's Day plans!