It has been raining since Sunday and the sun finallllyyyyyy came out yesterday evening for the first day of summer! Summertime means it's officially ice cream season, even though I kind of feel like ice cream should be enjoyed all year long! Who's with me? Speaking of ice cream, when we were in Hawaii we ate at an amazing gelato spot (two nights in a row) and had a seriously delicious toasted coconut flavor that I haven't been able to get out of my head since we returned! Naturally, I had to recreate this flavor at home and the result was amazing! My chocolate coated toasted coconut ice cream might have just earned a spot as my most favorite ice cream I've ever made!
Just like that it's Monday again guys! How was your weekend? My sister-in-law was in town and so Canean and I got a little "us" time on Saturday and ended up eating out for lunch and dinner and managed to squeeze a nap in between the two! It was heavenly! Yesterday we had a pretty low key Sunday and it seems like the day just disappeared like it always does meaning that the weekend came to a close too fast. I have always been one to stay up late on Sundays because I don't want Monday to come, which is silly really because it's not like Mondays are all that bad ya know. I mean sometimes they are, but really I think we make them worse in our head then they really are. Anyhoo, I have an easy egg free mint chocolate chip ice cream that is just perfect for curing those Monday blues and you are going to love me forever for it!