Fresh summer corn is one of my favorite vegetables to eat. I like it on the cob, grilled, sauteed, and every way in between. In the past couple of weeks the kernels have gotten so sweet and I've been finding myself buying at least a half dozen at the store every week. My pregnancy taste buds could eat it plain with salt, pepper, and butter just about everyday, but I know that Canean appreciates a little recipe switch up from time to time if I (and baby) insist on corn being a part of our weekly diet right now. My 15-minute corn confetti is the perfect side dish to take your corn to the next level! It's fast, easy, and each bite is full of tiny flavor explosions.
We all need those fast side dishes that can be made from scratch, but can be ready with little to no effort! Weeknight meals can be saved with side dishes just like this one! No need for canned or frozen corn here, we are all about using fresh corn that is at it's peak flavor right now!