Oh man it's been a week guys. I am so desperately trying to get back into doing multiple recipes each week for My Diary of Us, and if I'm being completely honest, it's been a challenge with my little dude following me around everywhere. Don't get me wrong I love him more than anything, but man he can wear a mama out. I would be lying if I said there weren't days when I await the five o'clock hour to approach so I can have a cocktail and to see daddy walk through the door! My single serving stone fruit sangria is the perfect cocktail to whip up any night of the week and now you don't have to make a pitcher of it to enjoy one of your summertime favorites!
I've been planning out our 4th of July menu for a couple of days now. We have friends coming into town from Louisiana and I have been figuring out what our menu is going to look like over the weekend, including cocktails! For the 4th we are going all American and I'll be serving up ribs, homemade baked beans, corn, and slaw and I thought the perfect cocktail to accompany such a menu needed to be super summery, fresh, and fun! My raspberry and lime vodka sno cones are the ultimate 4th of July drink to serve up at any celebration this weekend!
I never outgrew the sno cone age. I have loved them right into adulthood. I am not
I'll be honest, this cocktail almost didn't happen. Between moving next week and everything else going on including being exhausted, I was reallllll close to letting the ball drop on this week's Thirsty Thursday. It was between my daily nap and shooting this cocktail. But...I couldn't let you all down, so here you go, because that's how much I love you! Today I whipped you up the tastiest and easiest skinny margarita!
It's almost summer and I know most of you are watching those figures, but there is absolutely no reason that you can't still enjoy your happy hour. My three ingredient margarita is low calorie and will leave you with no guilt and on the right track with your diet.
We were watching Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown the other night right before we went to sleep. He was in Chile eating the most gorgeous food, exploring gorgeous land, and drinking to his heart's content. I was half asleep, half listening and watching when all of the sudden I caught a glimpse of the most refreshing looking drink I had ever laid my eyes on. It was simple, no fuss, and genius! A two ingredient cocktail that I will be thinking about until after I have this baby, but for now I wanted to introduce it to you! Pineapple sorbet and crisp white wine come together to create my version of the magical drink I saw on TV that I am calling the pineapple sorbet wine cooler.
Who remembers wine coolers? I can't believe I used to drink those overly sweet, give you a headache the next day fruity drinks. Well never fear, this cocktail is nothing like your memories of any wine coolers that you have ever tasted before. This one is not too sweet and is what summertime happy hours are made of.