Ummmmm, how is it August already guys? The summer is passing entirely too quickly and although I'm ready for the heat to leave, I am not ready for the idea of summertime to go away! I am holding on to all things grilled, fresh, and easy and pretending like we are not officially one and a half months away from Parks turning ONE! Holy moly! That's a whole other subject though, so let's stick to why we are here and that is for the pork! Grilling pork chops is one of the easiest and healthiest ways to prepare the meat and though it can be tricky, my method of perfectly grilled pork chops will give you a juicy chop every time!
Usually summertime is my favorite time of year. The produce, the tans, the dewy glow on your skin, the list goes on. This summer however, the heat is out of control. Is it always this hot and I have forgotten? Or is this global warming? Anyway you look at it though it's too hot to be outside unless you are going to be sitting in a pool with a cocktail in hand. And when it's this hot out, turning the oven on is unthinkable and meals are meant to be light and fresh! My panzanella caprese cantaloupe skewers are just the perfect light lunch or appetizer (served with a pinot grigio or a rosé) and should be on everyone's to-make list this week!
Can someone please explain to me how it is almost July and how I am going to have a 9 month old baby? Where has the time gone? This year is flying by entirely too fast for me and I need it to slow down. We've had a lot going on the past month with Parks having surgery among other things and one thing that has been a lifesaver for me is easy dinners! I have been making lots of 30 minute meals lately because I just don't have time for much else! I am sure you can relate with kids home from school, vacations, and all of the other busyness that comes with summer. The days are disappearing and dinner time rolls around without any warning leaving your hungry family staring at you wondering what will be on the menu for the night. My Greek chicken pasta salad is going to be one of your new favorite easy meals that will fill up your "people" while keeping it somewhat healthy at the same time!
Summer is almost here guys which means my favorite time of year for all things food is right around the corner! Vegetables and fruit become sweeter and juicier than ever before and things like a homegrown sliced tomato with a little salt and pepper or the first bite of a sweet watermelon make my mouth water! Eating healthy becomes easier than ever with so many good for you foods available at your fingertips. One of my go-to veggies that we have on a weekly basis is corn on the cob! I have the easiest method for juicy corn that is ready in a snap. My roasted corn on the cob recipe will have you whipping up this side dish all summer long!
t's raining cats and dogs here in Texas and the sun isn't supposed to show it's face to us again until Friday...bummer dude. I am not one of those people who likes rain for more than about a day because I crave sunshine like I crave chocolate. I need it for energy, a good mood booster, and I tend to eat healthier when the sun is shining. When it rains, I want comfort food and to stay in my pajamas all day, if I'm being honest. Recipes like these Indian spiced cauliflower steaks save me when the weather gets dreary because it satisfies my need for comfort food while not derailing my diet.
Do you have those go-to recipes that you make over and over? I know I do, and especially now with a baby, having my favorite easy recipes in the back of my brain at all times can be a lifesaver on hectic days. I tend to make lots of salads these days, mostly because I can whip one up with whatever ingredients I have in the fridge on any particular week. That being said, I also get a little bored with salads and need to throw in a different salad from time to time. My easy taco salad is one of those salads that I tend to forget about, but every time I make it I'm like "dang this is so good, why don't I make this more often." So here it is, the salad that will change your outlook on weeknight salads and I promise even your hubby (and kids too) will be super pumped about having this for dinner on a weekly basis!