For most of my life I have battled with not thinking I was small enough...skinny enough to be considered what I thought the world saw as beautiful. Constant comparison to other girls and people on TV had my confidence, at times pretty low. The crash diets started in high school and I would lose ten and gain ten every year it seemed.
Losing the weight didn't fix my head. Even when I was at my smallest, I still thought I needed to be skinnier, I still saw the same imperfections that I saw at my heaviest. It was a mental battle with myself and sometimes still is.
When Canean and I met, I had a hard time seeing myself the way that he saw me...beautiful, imperfections and all. He loved everything that I had always thought of as something I wish I could change. He loved my curves and the fact that I wasn't a size zero, and never would be.
It has taken me thirty years, but I finally decided enough is enough and I'm going to start loving this body I have been given. No more thinking I wish this and I wish that. The truth is I have been blessed with a healthy body...a strong body.