At first glance, this scarf and I were not fact I was not a fan of it at all. But for some reason I couldn't stop looking at it or thinking about it. What I originally didn't like was that it was a flag...hello Fourth of July. I couldn't see past the fireworks. But then I started to notice the vintage feel of these stars and stripes. There was something about the antique white stripes mixed in and I could slowly start to imagine it having a home in my closet.
It still felt American, but in a whole new way. A way that I could totally see it mixed in to my already boho wardrobe adding a unexpected twist.
Why do we only wear American flag "things" on the Fourth of July anyway? There is something really special about what our flag why not wear it all year long?
Well that's what I'm going to start doing. I'm going to wear this scarf whenever I gosh darn feel like it whether people pledge allegiance to me or not.
I mean this scarf mixed with a delicate fabric and a good mix of cuffs and bangles...yeah, I'd say I'm going to be sporting this accessory all summer long.