I don't know if you feel like this or not, but the couple of days before vacation are always insane for me. There is so much to do to prepare for leaving that I always find myself running around like a crazy person to get everything ready before we head out. Over the weekend I did about thirteen loads of laundry, cleaned the house, bathed the dogs and washed their beds, had to get some writing and photography work done since I'll be out of pocket for the week, and of course I had to pack, which is always a thing with me.
I know you may be thinking that some of things wouldn't necessarily have to be done, but I have to clean the house before we go out of town because I get anxiety about leaving if everything isn't in order. Also my sister-in-law is dog sitting for us and I like everything to be nice for her including the boys (Amos and Rutledge) smelling their freshest.