Hi...it's me...I've finally made my way back to you! I know you missed me right? (Well tell me you did even if you didn't.) So, since the last time I talked to you two really exciting things have happened! For one, I have officially written and submitted the first draft of cookbook number two and so now I will have some time again to get back to blogging! And the second exciting news that I have to share with you is that I am joining the Drizly team as one of their TopShelf bloggers! This means I will be creating some really yummy cocktails for them and to share with you! With Valentine's Day being on a weekday next week, I'm kickstarting my new gig with the perfect Valentine's Day brunch cocktail for you to celebrate early with this weekend! My pink lemon kiss cocktail is the perfect romantic cocktail to go with any Valentine's Day celebration that you might have going on!