My Diary of Us

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Watermelon Mint Slush

Hold the pumpkin, summer isn't over yet!  While I am all on board for the weather changing slightly (we have a bit to go here in Texas still), I am still eating up all the summer fruits and I'm just not quite ready to say goodbye.  Labor Day is a few days away and with the long weekend ahead, I am planning out our menus for each day and you bet that includes cocktails, because what holiday weekend is complete without a good cocktail?  My watermelon mint slush is a drink I have been making all summer long and will continue to make until watermelons have seen their better days for the year.

I started making this drink last summer and for some reason have never shared it on here with all of you.  This is probably because I am always too excited about drinking it and we are always headed to the pool or hang outside when I whip them up, so pictures never happen!  As I was panicking about summer coming to a close, I knew I needed to share my watermelon mint slushes with you all so you could enjoy one last fling with summer too!

Watermelon is my favorite fruit hands down.  I mean I love summer berries and peaches and all but watermelon has my heart.  There isn't much more refreshing than a cold bowl of watermelon, sprinkled with salt (you do this too right?) on a hot summer day!  These drinks quite possibly could be the most refreshing cocktail you will every drink!  That's a bold statement I know, but I feel pretty strongly about them!

The key to the creamy slush is to freeze your watermelon prior to making the drink and then you simply add lime juice, fresh mint, and vodka to create the most delicious cocktail!

Literally the best drink ever.  

I can only apologize for not getting this recipe to you sooner.  There is no added sugar, simply sweet watermelon is all you need and you could definitely make this drink into a non-alcoholic version if you want your kids to enjoy or don't drink alcohol in general, but if you do...then add that vodka friends!  I can't wait for you all to give this one a try, I know you are going to love it as much as I do!  


  • 6 Cups Frozen Watermelon

  • 2 Tbsp. Lime Juice

  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Mint Leaves

  • 1/2 Cup Vodka

Note: For a non-alcoholic version, substitute coconut water for vodka.


  • Place all ingredients into a high powered blender and process until smooth and creamy.

  • Serve immediately.

What are you labor day plans?  Surely they will now include watermelon mint slushes! Pin this drink to make now and every summer forever and ever!