In the course of a year I worked full time, gave up a career, became a stay at home wife, and a blogger. I moved away to Texas with my husband and only ten months later moved back to Louisiana. It's basically been of blur of life events that happened in a blink of an eye. But in that year of change, I learned a whole lot about myself and others. I learned that being a stay at home wife last year brought me so much joy in ways I never would have imagined. I was healthier, happier, and a wife that could love her husband in new ways and in return I felt his love grow even deeper.
What I struggled with, and still struggle with is that when did it become not okay to be a stay at home wife or mom? It's okay to be a successful career woman, but for some reason, I am guessing because women have worked so hard to get to the top that I find myself in a world of "you stay at home?" and "what do you do all day?" with a certain look of disapproval or misunderstanding.
The fact of the matter is, I think it's amazing that women are running major companies and doing whatever it is that makes them happy. We live in a world of more education, more money, more, more, more. And frankly what Canean and I both learned over the past year is that all that "stuff" doesn't matter if you aren't happy. It simply isn't important. I think it's just as amazing that there are moms and wives who stay at home and most of the time their works go unnoticed by the rest of the world and yet they continue to do them everyday.
For me (call me old school), but it makes me happy to be at home taking care of things on this end, cooking a delicious meal for my husband, keeping a clean house and making sure that my marriage is a focus on a daily basis...that brings me contentment.
And you know what? It may not for you and that is okay. That's my point here.