Just today I organized my fridge and realized I might be addicted to pickles. I have SIX jars of pickles to be exact and on top of those I have three jars of my spicy pickled green tomatoes (which we will also get to in this post, so don’t you worry)! I am hoping that if you are reading this post that you also have a pickle problem and we can just share our love of pickles and the fact that they take up almost an entire shelf of valuable real estate in the fridge! I am acting surprised here, when in fact I have always been a pickle person ever since I was a little girl! I can remember loving anything pickled, including pepperoncini peppers that I could eat straight from the jar as a five year old! (Weird or amazing?) Either way, my easy refrigerator pickling recipe makes it easy for you to get your pickle fix anytime you want!