Somewhere between college and now, my best friends have sprinkled themselves across the country. We all got older, each moved to a different state, and don't get to see each other nearly enough for my liking. We get to see each other about once a year if that, but when it does happen it's amazing. We revert to our 20 year old selves, or in some cases our 15 year old selves. Things pick right back up where we left off and it feeds my soul in the best way possible. Last weekend I headed to Arizona to see my friend Teresa, a friend from college who from the moment we had the same class together we became inseparable. A girl's weekend in Arizona was totally necessary for both of us.
We hiked gorgeous routes Saturday and Sunday, got pedicures, laid by the pool, ate Italian food and cooked some serious meals for her to freeze.
It was a quick trip and neither of us were ready for it to end, but I'll take what I can get! I'm already ready to go back and it's only been two days.
We started out Friday by shopping (of course) and then ended the day with chips and guacamole, a margarita for me, water with lemon for her, and then grabbed yogurt on the way home, because I'll use any excuse to get yogurt. Excuses like my friend is pregnant and she NEEDS me to eat yogurt with her.