My Diary of Us

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Whole Wheat Zucchini Tahini Bread

Yesterday was one of those days in motherhood where you question your sanity. Maybe you find yourself hiding in a closet for ten minutes so you can have a moment to breathe alone, or maybe you raised your voice and have a bit of mom guilt because of it. Maybe you aren’t a mom, but you had one of those days too where you just couldn’t wait for bedtime so you could wake up to a fresh new day. Either way, I feel you. Whenever I have a day like this, baking is something that brings me happiness in the midst of whatever chaos is going on. There is something so therapeutic about measuring and whisking and then smelling warm sweet goodness enveloping your home like a great big hug. I find that when I involve my son in the baking it instantly changes his mood too, it’s the ultimate distraction with the end result being so delicious. (Win-Win) My whole wheat zucchini tahini bread is our new favorite treat to make whether or not we are having a rough day and you are going to love it too!

Do you use tahini? Most commonly you can find it used in hummus, but I also love using it in salad dressings and even baked goods! It’s a great nut free option and works in the same way that you would use peanut butter when baking! It is literally just ground sesame seeds and adds such a nice flavor to so many recipes!

I love a fresh baked bread and had some zucchini hanging in the fridge that needed using so I created this zucchini tahini bread by accident and it has become our favorite bread to date! This bread is made with no refined sugars, whole wheat flour, and has a whole cup of zucchini in it! It’s so nice to have on hand for the week for easy breakfasts or afternoon snacks that the whole family will love!

Yesterday when we were having one of those days where we needed some serious distraction, Parks and I actually turned this bread recipe into muffins and it they turned out just as good! This is a great option if you want to freeze some for lunch boxes or for a later date!

I am telling you that these flavors make one delicious bread and you are probably going to want to bake a loaf for yourself as soon as you get your hands on the ingredients!

If you are into more recipes like this make sure to check out my Banana Bread or my Whole Wheat Strawberry Bread! For a yummy gluten free bread, try my Spiced Vanilla Pear Bread!


  • 1 3/4 Cup Whole Wheat Flour + 1 Tbsp.

  • 1 Tsp. Baking Soda

  • 1/4 Tsp. Salt

  • 1 Tsp. Cinnamon

  • 1 Mashed Banana

  • 1 Cup Finely Grated Zucchini

  • 2 Eggs

  • 1 Tsp. Vanilla

  • 1/4 Cup Tahini

  • 1/4 Cup Sesame Oil

  • 1/3 Cup Milk

  • 3/4 Cup Coconut Sugar + 1 Tbsp.

  • 1 Tsp. Sesame Seeds

  • 1 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips 


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

  • Combine flour (reserving 1 tbsp.), baking soda, salt, and cinnamon in a large bowl and whisk to combine.

  • In another bowl combine banana, zucchini, eggs, vanilla, tahini, oil, and milk and whisk until well combined.

  • Whisk in coconut sugar into the wet ingredients until combined.

  • Fold together wet and dry ingredients until combined thoroughly.

  • In a small bowl toss chocolate chips with 1 tablespoon of flour until coated.

  • Fold the chocolate chips into the batter until incorporated.

  • Pour into a parchment lined bread pan or a well greased one.

  • Sprinkle with sesame seeds plus 1 tbsp of coconut sugar.

  • Bake for 45-55 minutes until a toothpick can be inserted and comes out clean.

I mean, you guys…look at this bread! It’s so delicious! I’m off to go enjoy the muffin version with my morning coffee!

Happy baking friends! Don’t forget to pin this recipe for those days when you need a little break from life! xo