If you have ever been to a Mexican restaurant, then you have probably seen charro beans on the menu for a side. They are a popular Tex-Mex side dish and one of my favorite side dishes that I like to enjoy. Charro beans are made with pinto beans that get strewed with smoky bacon, onion, garlic, spices, and more to make them extra flavorful and delicious. I started making my own charro beans a few years back and they are so delicious that you could honestly make a meal out of them on their own, you just need a side of tortillas and some avocado. I would 100% be a happy girl to eat these for dinner any night of the week. My charro beans are easy to make, are packed with flavor, and will make the best side dish for any Tex-Mex or Mexican meal that you make at home.
Zucchini season is in full swing and I don’t know about you but every week I find myself with several zucchini staring at me in the fridge. I love buying a few extra zucchini each week because they are great to freeze to throw into smoothies and they are great for baking! Chocolate and zucchini are actually quite a common pair when it comes to baking and it’s a great way to add some veggies into a sweet treat that the whole family can enjoy. I created an olive oil chocolate zucchini snack cake that is perfect to make when you want a little treat when that afternoon snack attack hits!
If you want to know the way to my heart, I am going to let you in on a little secret…just bring me a cheeseburger. I am not even kidding, most girls prefer diamonds, but I prefer a juicy classic American cheeseburger complete with all the fixings! When I was pregnant with my son, cheeseburgers were my number one craving and you can ask my husband about how many cheeseburgers we both consumed during those nine months and neither one of us would be able to tell you! Needless to say, I created a four year old kid who’s favorite food also happens to be a cheeseburger and I am one proud mama. I love a good cheeseburger when we go out to eat, but I have to say my at home recipe rivals most cheeseburgers out there and it couldn’t be any simpler to make! My recipe for the best cheeseburgers is going to up your summer grilling game and will have you looking like a burger pro in no time.
Baked beans are a quintessential summer BBQ side dish that are irresistibly good. Growing up I definitely ate my fair share of canned baked beans that my mom would “doctor” up to make them taste homemade. Still to this day, that method is delicious, BUT after you make baked beans from scratch, you will truly never turn back. Sure it takes a little extra time, but the reward at the end of the cooking process is 100% worth it. Smoky, slightly sweet and spicy, sticky beans await you and your tastebuds and they are just out of this world delicious. Homemade baked beans will change the way you look at baked beans for the better and you will love making them for every summer BBQ from now on.
Breakfast is my family’s favorite meal of the day. They like to eat it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, so any time of the day breakfast is a go around here. Matter of fact, we just had waffles last night for dinner and they were delicious. Every week I make a batch of my favorite waffles, usually on the weekend, because they freeze wonderfully and make for easy breakfasts all week long. I don’t know why I have never shared this recipe with y’all, because it is seriously the easiest and tastiest waffle recipe out there and the one I have been making for years. The only special equipment needed is obviously a waffle maker, which I highly recommend adding into your kitchen appliances if you don’t have one already. My easy waffles from scratch will have you wondering why you ever bought frozen waffles because they are just that simple and tasty!
Raise your hand if you are in need of all the easy side dishes right now? I feel like I have been making the same recipes over and over lately and last week I decided I wanted to try a few new recipes to switch things up! I ended up creating a dish with some asparagus that needed using up from the fridge and threw in some peas from the freezer along with some fresh herbs that I had, and the result was so good y’all! It was such a nice change from the usual roasted asparagus that I usually make, not to mention it takes about ten minutes total from start to finish so its kind of amazing. I figured that you probably needed this dish in your life too, you’re welcome. My easy asparagus and peas with herbs pairs perfectly with any protein you might be making and will quickly become one of your favorite dinnertime sides!