Hi friends! How was your weekend? The sun came out to play and we took full advantage of it! On Sunday the weather was absolutely perfect...79 degrees and sunny with a breeze. This is the kind of weather I have been waiting for! We walked down to our neighborhood snoball stand, grabbed two dreamsicle snoballs where right next door they boil amazing crawfish, so we grabbed some of those too. We had a picnic on our front porch and ate crawfish and snoballs all barefoot and happy! Today, I'm back on track with healthy recipes now that some of my food aversions have left the building and I'm kicking the morning off right with one of my citrus ginger smoothies!
Citrus season is almost over, and I couldn't be more sad about it. That's why I am getting in a few last recipes using all of my favorite kinds of citrus varieties. My citrus ginger smoothie is packed with good for you ingredients and is a cinch to blend up for a breakfast on the go!